Coughlin Chevrolet of Pataskala

TRUCK MONTH!!! See associate for details.

Shop Click Drive

Now you can use your keyboard to take the keys to your next Coughlin Pataskala vehicle. Shop Click Drive is a simple, convenient and innovative way to shop for your next vehicle -- from the comfort of anywhere, anytime.

It only takes a few minutes and will save you time at the dealership. Complete this process online, then schedule an appointment to sign and take delivery of your next vehicle. You are under no obligation until you sign.


Once I am on Coughlin Pataskala's website, where do I find Shop Click Drive?

Search for a vehicle in Coughlin Pataskala's inventory. When you find the vehicle you like, click the green “Create Your Deal” button for that vehicle and the Shop Click Drive window will open.


Can I save my transaction and come back later?      


We do not yet have the option to save your work in the middle of your online shopping process.


How will the dealer be storing or using my information?


Please refer to your dealership’s privacy policy for more information.


How do I know the website is secure?

General Motors dealers take precautions with the personal information you provide. There are several ways to identify a website with enhanced security: Look for “https” (instead of “http”) in your address bar, or locate and click on the lock icon on your web browser (in the address bar or near the bottom).


What if I change my mind or don't like the actual vehicle when I test-drive it?


Prior to signing your paperwork at the time of delivery, you are under no obligation to purchase the vehicle. If you change your mind, let the dealer know prior to signing the final documents.


How quickly can I take delivery of my new vehicle?


Dealerships typically request about 48 hours to prepare your new vehicle for you. If you happen to need it sooner, please contact your dealer.


How and when do we complete the final paperwork?

All final paperwork will be completed at your scheduled appointment.